Friday, February 25, 2022


 Our setting for our film is pretty simple. For the most part, we plan on using a soccer field and one of our groups houses. However, there are things that needs to be considered especially when selecting our soccer field. There are a few soccer fields in Weston that I think we can use. 

The first soccer field that we could use is the soccer field at our high school. The pros of this is that it is convenient for all of the group members because it is at our school. The cons of it though is that it is used for other sports and is not solely made for soccer. It also would be difficult to go along with our story with this setting.  

Another soccer field we can use is Vista park. These fields are made just for soccer which is a pro and is right outside of school which makes it a fair location for me and my two other partners. Again, the problem with this is that it doesn't really fit our story because it doesn't provide that family atmosphere. 

The soccer fields that I like the best that I think we should use is the fields at Regional Park. These fields are nice just like at Vista and they provide more of a family type atmosphere. They aren't as fenced in and it is common to see families or friends playing soccer at these fields which we need for our storyline. The one problem with this setting is that all of our group members will have to drive a little bit, but it probably won't be over ten minutes. 

Here is a picture of the fields at Regional Park to see what we plan on working with. 

For our other setting that I mentioned earlier is going to be one of our houses. Since our group is composed of two boys (including me) and one girl, we will more than likely use my house or my other boy partner's house because the main character of our story is a boy. 

What I like with these settings is that they are all found in our hometown and we do not need to travel great distances to get the job done. 

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Portfolio Project

Here is our Portfolio Project titled, Kicking It. We hope you enjoy it just as much as we did making it.